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{/happy birthday nicholas'09'}
Monday, October 19, 2009 @ Reina's dairy

haha!! Now at Renee's house (: Great thanks to her, I finally can use computer. :) Anyway, erm , later maybe meeting shi bin at bugis (: , sec4 people having their O levels! goodluck! and instructor Nicholas[OBS]'s birthday! Happy birthday (: . Nvm , I sms him already! That idiot, is out with his friend , maybe later in the night meeting him, have to pass me my jacket. (: haha!! kay lay , I updated the church blog already. I miss newiynivek . Yesterday talk to wd gor until 1? (: love him larh , he talk loud soft loud soft one. funny toot. I shall post until here!

I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in
kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be
going wrong.I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that
tomorrow is another day & I believe in miracle.


{/you know I know'}
Sunday, October 18, 2009 @ Reina's dairy

I really want to talk to himzxz, and somethimes I dontknow what to do , I am confused with my life now! Someone please help me , I miss newiynivek. affinity if you can , PLEASE bring us back together? please?


{/Ps I am sorry'}
@ Reina's dairy

Okays, I am sorry? done? I really dont know what to do , can you stop being angry with me? or dont ignore me? Anyway I really miss you alot, like alot.. ): [to him and her]

Okays, to viena,
okays I am sorry of 4th time. and also I really want to stop this and talk to you as friends, but is you started ignoring me first. okays ? I want to talk to you ...

Start blogging:
Ytd I pissed off somene and would like to really apologizes to him. I AM SORRY! Today got chruch and now still in church. Oh yeah, still got something , I enjoyed myself on friday! (: Going out with Weida and Kevin (: Went to wacth 500 days of summer! (: YAY! I want to watch my girlfriend is an agent! (: Tomorrow is instructor Nicholas birthday! (: blogger is back to normal! so boring! and so hot! Monsoon season is here! The hot and the cold song! (:(: okays ! blog finished! (:

Ps: Imh and ily too! <3


{/how to trust each other.'}
Thursday, October 8, 2009 @ Reina's dairy

I said sorry three times, and you said I did not, wow, I said sorry , what about our turn , you called me a b!tch when did not explain to me properly. You are one of my bestfriend, why would I hurt it? Cause of popularity? Gosh , no way! Anyway, I hope that you would talk to me, as I dont want things to turn really black for us. anyway , I still treat you as my friend maybe still best friend as, I know you since p1 and I hope things will go back where it started. Maybe God just want to test us how to trust each other.


{/See,you dont know what the race would be like until you try it yourself'}
Monday, October 5, 2009 @ Reina's dairy

Now is CCITP! (: My brother's computer went for repair , so cannot go online. ): DArryl birthday is this Sunday, and Exams will be over on next thursday. next friday will be making day, so should be going out. (: Anyway I trusting God in everything already! Aim great for exams (: okays , later teacher caught me , this few days got moonsoon seasons, so rain then stop , rain then stop. Make my tummy not feeling well. ): now talking to Jia yi and gor gor. Stupid Jia yi larh! He now trying to convince me that he is NOT fat , when he is suppose to accept that he is fat! (: haha!! Action siah! Got some people playing games , I still cannot go into facebook ): I want to go facebook): Jagnes tagg me! I want Yi Zhuang to faster pass me the songs for the Saturday service! Pastor Evan Left for korea, I dreamt about him talking to me , on Tuesday! haha(; Is like he want us to ask God for protection. Lots of them! Yesterday, I dreamt about Viena , Kim, Cherra, Shu Wen running with me in a race, When I reached a point for MY finishing point. One of my gor gor came up to me and said ,"You complete the race?". I replied:"Yeah" At this time I realised that other girls was panting , while I wasnt, but I completed my race and some did not even completed their race. So the last sentence that my gor gor said was:"See,you dont know what the race would be like until you try it yourself,Everyone will end at different point in the race, what about you?" I will end here, and let you bloggers think about it! (:Girls that are mention , if taken into offence sorry. Is a dream anyway, most importantly is the last sentence.(:

[See,you dont know what the race would be like until you try it yourself,Everyone will end at different point in the race, what about you?]

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{/To my treasured p1 friend'}
Thursday, October 1, 2009 @ Reina's dairy

I miss her like mad! Okays , If I admit I am wrong will you forgive? We are friends since P1! p1! And cause of this idiotic thing, destroyed this relationship. Both of your p1 friends! I really dont want to spoiled our relationship even more! Like really! CAuse our relationship is like on rocks already.. Okays! I really hope you forgive me and hope the other p1 friend will forgive you. I am sorry for what I have done , and serious about it.. Can we dont make things worse? (: 2 days ago we just patched and now cause of one misunderstanding then we break , isnt it retarded. I miss you ! I really miss you! Please forgive me! (: Really! I want this friendship to grow stronger and not weaken! (: please?
